SO is the subject indeed 'touched' even if that touch is not physical but 'ranged' as it were. However, Range Spells are Ranged TOUCH attacks. Would such a chained spell would have to be delivered to a touched target? So ranging it makes it ranged, but to chain it, you have to touch someone? On most touch spells, the target line readsm "Target: X Touched". RAW clearly shows that any touch spell can be chained if the target line specifies a single target. Would he have put touched on the target line, had he being thinking about it? My point is, does this imply that only certain Range: Touch/reach spells are supposed to be subject to chain, or is it just a typo on the part of the author.

The target line clearly says One Creature. I think that's quite clear and even those who subscribe to the belief that the Target line cannot say 'touched' cannot argue that this spell can be chained. Perhaps I'm unclear, Yes, I know you can reach and chain Eyes of the Avoral.